"You are never too old to set another goal or to dream a new dream"
- C.S. Lewis
Through an unexpected chain of events I found myself headed for graduate school in London -- across the world and seemingly the polar opposite of where I'd made my home in Santa Fe, New Mexico, USA. Don't get me wrong, there was a whole lot of thinking behind my decision to commit to grad school. It absolutely did not happen by accident... talk about dozens of pro/con lists and full on analysis mode; I even started learning Dutch at one point. Actually, I was initially extremely resistant to the idea, batting it away over the course of many months until I realized that I had nothing to lose and everything to gain. Yes, I'm well into my 40's! Yes, I will have to completely reorganize my life and business to pursue this goal of developing my artwork in an intensive environment! Yes, it will be inconvenient, and messy, and who knows how I will manage all that? BUT, it will be an amazing opportunity and experience. If I've learned anything it's that life is short -- and unpredictable. I'm proud that I've become a woman who cares less what people might think and more about seizing the day (thank you to my dear Chip for teaching me by example). Yes indeed, Carpe diem!
Initially begun as a way to stay connected to friends and family while in London, I found writing to be a natural fit for reviewing ideas and experiences. Feeling intimidated by an early assignment to keep a blog during the course of studies for my MFA, the entries naturally shifted focus to issues I was grappling with in my work as opposed to living in London. Now almost five years after the first entry, I am grateful for the assignment that provided a framework, and now a record of influences that I continue to explore in my work.
Initially begun as a way to stay connected to friends and family while in London, I found writing to be a natural fit for reviewing ideas and experiences. Feeling intimidated by an early assignment to keep a blog during the course of studies for my MFA, the entries naturally shifted focus to issues I was grappling with in my work as opposed to living in London. Now almost five years after the first entry, I am grateful for the assignment that provided a framework, and now a record of influences that I continue to explore in my work.